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Backpain healing

Testimony of healing (Jenny)

It was early December and not only was the excitement of Christmas all around, but I was expecting the visit of Shane and Jess who were going to tag two or three days with me after a business trip in the UK.

Every Thursday during the month of December our town stores remain open for late night shopping. I was looking forward to going into town this particular evening not so much for the shopping but to hear the various bands, choirs and Carol singers as well as taking in the aroma of the chestnuts being roasted on open grills and other charity stalls selling Christmas goodies. The town is usually heaving with people shopping, and eating in the restaurants and cafes that remain open.

I so wanted to go. We had decided to free up our usual Bible study night to enable people to choose whether they wanted to experience the town at Christmas spirit.

The trouble was I had for some weeks suffered with back pain and it was getting more severe. This was a result of my trying to over stretch myself with the work I needed to do in my garden.

On the evening I had planned to go into town, rather than feeling excitement at the Christmas event, I was dreading it as my back felt so sore.

I sat totally depressed and in tears on my sofa knowing the pain was too bad and made the decision to stay at home. I hurt too much.

Shane and Jess arrived a day or so later. We had planned a meal with Shane’s brother Paul and his family. Shane had been aware of my back problem and suggested he might pray for healing before we left for Paul’s.

He asked Jess to join us and along with her dad they lay hands on the painful part of my back. As they were praying I felt a strong pressure around the lower part of my spine. It felt as if my back was really being pushed forward. After they finished praying The pain had certainly eased and I felt much more comfortable.

My back pain was certainly eased and although not totally healed there was a huge improvement.

Shane and Jess returned to South Africa. The Christmas family events in Guernsey went well and although I was aware of my back, I was coping, and so church and family events continued without further interruption.

In the new year I came out to South Africa to visit Shane and Laura and Jess. It was during a service at St Johns that Shane asked if people wanted prayer for healing. I remained standing along with the rest of the congregation. My pain was bearable, I didn’t need to ask for more.

As he went on to pray for those who had gone forward for healing, I felt this very strong hard pressure once again on the Lower part of my spine. Pushing into my spine, It was the same sensation that I had felt when he and Jess had prayed at home back in Guernsey.

On the way home I told Shane of my experience during the service. I had been surprised at the incident as I hadn’t especially asked for prayer.

The amazing thing is that I began to notice the back pain wasn’t there any more. I realised the discomfort I had felt for several weeks even months had disappeared. It felt good!

I have so much to thank and praise God for. I believe He healed me. The level of pain I had endured has not returned.


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