Joining a serving team will put you into the heart of the Church family. You will get to know one another and "feel" the family membership. We would encourage everyone to serve on a Sunday in some capacity or elsewhere during the week.
We have been incredibly blessed in this area of our church life. We have a growing, bustling, noisy and challenging kids ministry led by many of our own youth. Take one step into our children's teaching room and you will know that the Father is enjoying the family gathering.
If you have a heart for children's ministry please speak to our leadership and dive in.
Our youth ministry tackles the challenges of becoming a young adult of faith in a challenging world. Led by wonderful role models from within our own community, the youth are led in discussion about their own faith questions.
St John's has been an Alpha resource church for nearly 20 years. We believe the Alpha course to be a great opportunity to explore the Christian faith and many of our own church family found Christ through it. We continue to offer courses each year and we are always looking for volunteers who would like to facilitate the course or lead the small group discussions.
If this evangelistic outreach lights your fire please speak to Peter and Janet Farrant who are our Alpha leaders.
Sozo is an inner healing ministry to help you discover what is hindering your personal connection with Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit--also known as the Godhead. A healed connection leads to greater freedom.
Sozo is the Greek word meaning “to save, deliver, heal, preserve, make well, make whole.”
A number of leaders within St John's have become Sozo facilitators and St John's now offers those who are needing deeper emotional healing an opportunity to be sozoed.
The Source is our church newsletter magazine. We publish three times a year and encourage members of the church family to contribute photographs, articles and testimonies about our community faith life. If you have an interest in writing or magazine editing please join our team by contacting Marylin or Tilene.
Home groups and cell groups are a great way to grow in faith within the context of relationship. St John's hosts a number of fellowships during the week with different focus' in each. Speak to our leadership about the right group for you.
Home fellowship
Discipleship training